Congrats to our subscriber giveaway winner WheelsandLevers! We were celebrating our one-year anniversary in March and gave away a American IPA Beer Brewing Kit to one of our lucky subscribers. Subscribe to our Brewing Daddy YouTube channel and you are automatically entered in the next giveaway! Good luck and peace out!
Enjoy craft brews and a relaxing vacation at sea? Check out for a unique vacation experience while enjoying the best craft brews at sea! Join Brewing Daddy on a Southern Caribbean cruise in June of 2024, click here for details!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and be automatically entered in our giveaway.
Congrats to our winners:
Brian M – May, Col Bullsigh – June, KarrDiffKid – July, Caleb F – Aug, Michael C – Sept, Kirschbach – Oct, Andrew M – Nov and Larry Wilson – Dec
What’s up people!
Welcome to the website! Brewing Daddy loves to brew small batches of craft beer and we will be taking you along for the beer brewing journey!
Brewing Daddy will be posting instructional and fun videos on how to brew small batches of beer at home with simple household equipment. Brewing Daddy videos will feature popular beer recipe kits providing you with full instructions from start to finish on how to brew and bottle them.
In addition, Brewing Daddy will post brewing articles, brewing product reviews and beer making tips, tricks and hacks on our website related to small batch home beer brewing.
Thanks for visiting! Please consider bookmarking the Brewing Daddy website so you can revisit for new content or visit our social media sites below. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel and subscribe. All subscribers are automatically entered in our monthly subscriber giveaway for Brewing Daddy merchandise and beer brewing products.
Peace out!
Check out More Beer for top notch beer and wine making supplies and recipes